Electric bikes, or e-bikes, are becoming popular as an alternative mode of transportation. They offer the convenience of a traditional bicycle with the added benefit of electric assist, allowing riders to go further and faster with less effort. If you're in the market for an e-bike, here's what you need to know to select the best one for your needs.

Consider Your Budget

When it comes to purchasing an e-bike, there is a wide range of options at different price points. Prices can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the brand, features, and quality of the bike. It's important to establish a budget before shopping for an e-bike so that you can focus on models that are within your price range.

Think About Terrain

Make sure you take into account the terrain that you'll be riding on. If you plan to go over hills or rough terrain, you'll need a bike with a powerful motor and sturdy suspension. If you'll be primarily riding on flat terrain, a bike with a smaller motor and no suspension may be sufficient.

Determine Your Commuting Needs

E-bikes are a solid option for commuters who want to avoid traffic and reduce their carbon footprint. Calculate the distance that you'll need to travel each day if you intend to primarily use the bike for commuting, and make sure to double the distance to/from work so that you're basing your decision on the round-trip commuting mileage.

Most electric bikes have a stated range that they're able to go on with a single charge. Select a model with a range that's at least a little farther than your commute, just in case you decide to go out of your way when riding home one day.

Evaluate Space Constraints

You may want a folding e-bike for easy storage on public transportation or in a small apartment. Folding electric bikes can be much easier to use if you're commuting through a large city, or if you live in a shared apartment without any separate storage area.

Unless you need a folding model for either of these reasons, non-folding bikes tend to come with more power and features for the same price point.

Test-Ride Different Models

Before making a final decision on an e-bike, test-ride different models. This will give you a better understanding of how a bike handles, the level of electric assist it has, and the overall comfort of its ride. Many bike shops offer test rides.
